Strong Women Need Strong Support Systems

"I know exactly what you’re going through."

Amid confusion or overwhelm, there is no greater gift than the gift of acknowledgment and validation from a compassionate person who understands what it’s like to be in your shoes.

For centuries, women have gathered in the community to create, support, transmute, build, interweave, and facilitate each other. It’s part of our DNA. We crave connection.

Yet, if we crave and need connection so much, why aren’t we doing it?

In our modern world, the very essence of community has become fragmented.

We are often so focused on our achievements and responsibilities that we forget the power of shared experiences and mutual support.

The glorification of hyper-independence and the pressure to handle everything on our own have made us hesitant to reach out for help or to share our vulnerabilities.

The path to genuine connection and healing often begins with a simple act of sharing our stories and opening up to others.

Yet, why are we so often depriving ourselves of the gift of being seen?

Here are some of the most common beliefs that keep us from leaning in:

The reluctance to take up too much space:

We often think, “Everyone is dealing with something, right?” Vulnerability is a gift. In our vulnerability, we help others see our true nature and our often softer, more delicate side. Of course, we use discernment with what and who we share with, but with the right people, vulnerability only leads to more love.

The isolation and concern of being misunderstood as an ambitious, career-driven woman:

It can be challenging to find connections that tick all the boxes, and if we’re not surrounded by friends who are on a similar path, it can feel lonely. We can often fear being judged for our choices and for our desire to want more. Having a safe and non-judgmental space where you can share the highs and lows of leadership is key.

The stories created from unhealthy female relationships:

We might have experienced relationships where trust was broken, leading to a fear of opening up again. Finding women we can truly trust and who are like-minded can feel like a daunting task.

The courage it takes to advocate for ourselves:

Saying, “We need and want more support on our journey,” requires bravery and self-awareness.

My Invitation To You

Think of your support system as a bank account.

Supporting others and taking on responsibilities are withdrawals while receiving support from people, processes, communities, and outlets are deposits.

High-performing women leaders are often in support system overdraft.

  • They are deeply supporting team members.

  • They are supporting colleagues and peers.

  • They are usually giving to some sort of DEI initiative.

Yet, they often:

  • Don’t have regular one-on-ones with their leader.

  • Don’t have a leadership coach.

  • Don’t have a community of like-minded women leaders.

  • Don’t have regular outlets for themselves to just receive—like therapy, energy work, or other forms of self-care.

Hit reply and let me know - how is the health of your support system bank account?

In my own life, I realized the importance of having a deep-rooted support system.

Having gone through one of the most intense weeks filled with so many family issues, I had no other choice but to lean into my support system.

The greatest gift was hearing from my yoga teacher that he had been in the exact situation I was facing several years before.

Before I shared my challenges with him, I wondered if my vulnerability was ‘too much,’ but my heart guided me to lean in instead of leaning out during difficult times.

Hearing the words, “It sounds exactly like what I went through,” cracked me wide open into immediate connection. I felt less alone, and any shame from the dysfunctional mess I was experiencing was completely dissolved in those words.

There is no greater gift.

Yet, in today’s world, hyper-independence is promoted and glorified.

Women are doing it all, and they are often doing it all alone.

The reluctance to take up too much space, the isolation of being misunderstood, the scars from unhealthy female relationships, the effort to find trustworthy, like-minded women, and the courage to advocate for more support—all these factors contribute to our reluctance to lean in.

That’s why through my Impact Amplification Program, I offer 1-1 support and community support. So that my clients have many ways to feel the deep-rooted strength of a support system.

Are you needing some more deposits in your support system bank account? ​Book your complimentary starter session here.​ Once you’ve booked your call, I’ll send you a scorecard which we’ll review together to support you in identifying your goals, blockers, and leadership vision.

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→ Ready to amplify your impact as a woman leader but are unsure of where to start? Book your complimentary starter session to help you set your goals, identify your blockers, and get clear on your leadership vision.

Read loads of customer testimonials ​here​.


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