Starter Session


Using a series of coaching exercises, we will identify what’s holding you back from achieving the impact you want as a leader.

We’ll get clear on what you need to overcome these blockers and what goals you need to lead the most fulfilling and impactful life + and leadership.

Experience Our Impact Amplification Process™

1. The Starter Session

This session supports you in evaluating the key aspects of your leadership, well-being, and impact to set the stage for targeted growth. You’ll leave with clarity on your biggest goals, blockers and next steps to support you on your leadership journey.

2. The Blocker Breakthrough

This session will guide you through personalized strategies to break through your biggest blockers. Tackle your most significant workplace blocker head-on in this comprehensive 90-minute session.

3. Thrive in 90

In 90 days, step fully out of The Leadership Constriction Model ™ through 3 months of 1-1 coaching, learning, skill development, and support circles.

4. Leadership Mastery Year

Our advanced annual program only for committed Impact Amplification Leaders.

Book Your Complimentary Starter Session

We will support your Impact Amplification Vision with a clear roadmap and plan so that you can scale your impact without sacrifice.

You’ll have a roadmap with tactical action items to support you in achieving your leadership vision.

Client Transformations

The impact amplification model™

Are you ready to step out of The Leadership Constriction Trap™ and into Impact Amplification Leadership?